Monday, May 08, 2006

Here we go!

First day of the new job today. God I haven't done this in eons! Either I have a mild case of the stomach flu, or nerves. What a wus! But at 61 this is indeed a life altering move for me. A little less physical, and a lot more mental gymnastics, which I welcome, but it's another one of those just "do the best you can, and that is today, but tomorrow brings even more challenges"
Oh, and to make matters a little more "dicey", that big Seniors Boeing Golf Tournamant thing starts today. While the tournamant isn't actually starting until Thursday it seems like it's a 24/7 of all this other "stuff" going on everywhere so traffic and all will be a zoo. (Drove by our local hospital and there must be at least 30 or 40 Cadillac Escalades, all white, lined up for the use of the VIP's this week!)
Well more on the first day later today or tomorrow. (I know I have to go get a drug test today! Sixty-one and alcohol in the form of Guinness is the only drug I take does someone really think I look like Keeith Richards?)

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