Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Selfless acts,...there still are some out there.

My friend who is in his 70's physically, but mid 40's mentally (like all of us whose "power train" is becoming a "high mileage" obstacle to our desire to break land speed records) has a son who needs a Kidney.
Ok we all will sumise that his family all steps forward and a magic "donor" is found, but I guess that didn't work. So somehow my friends wife steps up and says "try me!" and it is a workable solution. So she is donating one of her kidneys sometime in the next week or so!
Didn't have to! Probably wasn't expected to! And I would imagine nothing would ever have been said if she did'nt,.....but she did! That is selfless, and besides the respect I had for the lady before,...well, she's moved WAY UP THE LADDER of people I really respect in this world. Thank you is not enough, but life is strange sometimes.

On other fronts it is cold here (50's and low 60's) , no bathing suits for locals! You can tell the locals we wear sweaters, jackets and shiver. The tourists from Minnesota and other God forsaken northern regions that vacation here,...well they are the ones in the shorts and bathing suits!
Time marches on and another year is in the books, next month I move into the 63rd year of being here. A number of other "significant" things happen in the next couple months as well, but more on them later on next month, don't want to risk a "jinx".
Well gotta get up and go before my get up and go got up and went!
Be kind to each other and remember, like the e-mail my brother in law sent the other day, have two emotions,..hunger, and horny!

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