Sunday, June 24, 2007

My humble apologies!!!!!

I just realized I haven't published a blog since 6/8/2007, I humbly apologoze to all, particularly Lucy, Amber, Tropical, and Jezzy, freaking rude of me!!!!
It's my "high season" wherein every cell phone tone, every e-mail alert, and every freakin' bloody sound from my Blackberry is like having your wife break in to the motel room where you are having the most magnificent sex of your entire life with a (to be named later) member of the oppositite sex!!!!
"There is a leak in my unit". "The coackroaches are carrying the baby away!", etc.
Answers: "Ok, I'll get a plumber out there in ten minutes",...and "Sorry your baby is your problem,...but have a nice week at the unit!"
Do I sound,....ah let me see,...ah cynical?,...or perhaps "uncaring"?,.. or maybe tired as shit of your problems? .....DUH,... Yeah!!!
But I'm a professional,(at least that's what the State says!), so I'll deal with your problem!

But that's tomorrow, Monday,...not tonight, Sunday. Could I need a day off tomorrow,...absolutely! Will I take one? Shit NO! why? Because I am a professional, your vacation, your contribution to my account's owner so he can pay the bill to put up with you,...well that's paramount!

Next month my brothers and sisters, all four of them, are going to Ireland on a "tour". GOd I would love to go with them, but there are several "impediments".
#1 - I simply can't afford it. (Hurricane insurance was $5400 this year, not counting the $6,000 deductible!)
#2 - My bloody sister went over last year and she is the "planner" of this family trip. She is cheaper and tighter than the paper on the freaking' wall! I love her, but who gives a shit about saving money on a once in a life time opportuniy to go to Ireland and try and "find" your heritage? My requirements are very simple, A) enjoy the entore freakin' trip , B) at five P.M. we damn well better be in a local pub with Guinness or DEAD!, C) a constant reminder to the "out-laws" and "mutant blood relatives",.. that GOD Himself created Guinness with a little help from Arthur P. Guinness, to keep the Irish from conquering the entre world!
#3 - BECAUSE i AM GOING ON 63 YEARS OLD, THE OLDEST LIVING MEMEBER OF OUR FAMILY, THE MOST "ENAMOURED" WITH OUR IRISH HERITAGE, AND "FUCK IT" YOUR GODDAMN BIG BROTHER!!! In other words I'm not cooling my arse on a bus seat for ten hours a day looking at horny sheep and rock walls to end up at a local hotel for the evening! I have learned hoe to play a bodhran (Irish single goatskin drum, similar to a tamborine) am looking forward to going into a local pub and saying "Well shit, that looks pretty easy,...can I try?" and subsequently "wailing" out a tune and watching the jaws drop just to have "good craic" with the locals.
#4 - Because I've spent fifteen years trying to trace our families heritage to Ireland.

My grand parents, only two whom I've ever known,My Grandmother on my father's sode, and a "fleeting" remeberance of materanl grand mother who passed away when I was four years old, came to the States in the early 1900's. One Grandfather was a "teamster" (a "driver" for Haffenreffer Beer, delivering beer by horse and wagon in the 1920's), his wife a "dressmaker" or seamstress, both with the vision of a son who would be a priest in the Catholic Church and a daughter who would be a nurse. My Aunt became a nurse and was onr for over fifty years. My Dad(Thank the Lord Jesus!! Or I would not be here today!!) left the seminary and married my Mom! (Thanks Mom, more than you will ever know!)
My other grandfather was a "chauffeur" to an EXTREMELY wealthy family for over thirty year who dropped dead thirty days before I was born, and whose family was "vacated" from the three bedroom home they had and the three bedroom "cottage" they had on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and were left with whatever they had (fortunately they bought a home "off " the estate. My maternal grandmother lived four years after her husband, or died when I was 4.
Sorry folks much too personal stuff!!
Any way time has run out and I have to check back into reality time. More later , (if you are interested)

Tommmy Irish, (Mr, Guinness)


Only $19.95 said...

You SHOULD go!!!

1. Money is money. You can't take it with you off this fine globe, and you'll always have to PAY PAY PAY no matter what. You may as well pay for something that's going to produce the best memories!

2. You're not getting any younger, you should enjoy your family!

3. You obviously don't want to take the bus tours, but so what? Bring the Guinness WITH you! You're in freakin IRELAND, I'm sure they don't care if you're indulging yourself on a BUS, fer chrissakes!

You should go.

I am still pissed as hell that my family didn't, well, Rob's family, didn't come to Germany the entire 3 years we were there. My dad came out for a couple weeks, and it was a lot of fun even though his mobility was poor. Europe and not walking isn't easy. But anyway, the rest of the family, who, by the way, had always WANTED to go to Europe, never showed. It was always a 'bad' time. Hell, we live in the same STATE now and it's always up to me and Rob to visit THEM. Hopefully after the twins are born (I'm pregnant with two boys!?!) they might make the journey here, but I'm not holding my breath.

You should go to Ireland.

lucy said...

About bloody time with the updating Alec, I did not take you for a tardy man.

I kid I kid.

But I agree with the above because it's what you'd tell me to do - go on holidays, take a break, drink some guinness and stout. You deserve a holiday.