Thursday, August 31, 2006

All Better Now!!!

It was a combination (ok about 75%) operator error, and 25% who the hell knows, but a few bucks and two glasses of Shiraz for the "computer guy" and I'm back up and running. Sorry if you were looking for a huge essay on other stuff.
This morning is one of those where it's all beginning to pile up on me, and it's only 5:30am! A good friend asked me to re-do her resume as she was approached by a bigger firm and they've just about put her name on the door, but they need a resume. Ok that was about an hour of "pilot verbige" (that's where you tke words put them together in an order that assures the reader is so in awe of the content that they simply ask if you need more money to come work for them, a/k/a BULLSHIT!!)
Now I belong to a local community service club, but work has kept me from the last four meetings (once a week for breakfast meeting on Thursday mornings). I should go today, but the platre is already overflowing! I've got 9 annual budgets to cobble together and submit to different Borad of Directors, about ten legal "proxies" to put together and get out to voters, a calendar of "Annual Meetings" that will mean about three a week for the next eight weeks in a row, a week left on the "other job" to finish and collect my 12 weeks of "severance and vacation pay", a new 42"plasma TV that I didn't even ask the tech who installed it how to make iot work and told him to show my wife. (So much for the male ego, I have surrendered the remote controller to my wife!) My Administrative Assistant just gave her two weeks notice (more money, better benefits! SHIT Sorry , slight delay while I went for cup #3 of coffee. (Not bad, three cups in 90 minutes and just coming into the full awareness mode of morning and the sun is not even up yet! Yea, I win for another day!)
See I told you I need my "Pub Experiance"!
Shit! Just remembered I have to go in to "job 2" tonight and do payroll for the troops because it's three day weekend coming up and of course the payroll department isn't working on Monday. Here's how the weekend (our Labor Day holiday) stacks up;
Friday 7:30 to 4:30 pmJob 1
5:00 to 9:30 pm Job 2
9:30 to 10:00 pm Quick pub visit
10:30pm to 5:00 am Sleep period
Saturday 5:am to 7:00 am -Surfing, blogging, caffeine intake mode
8:30am to 4 :00pm Job 2
4:00 PM to 6PM Pub Expieriance
6:00pm to 9:30pm Dinner and a movie (Date night) with my wife after she
gets out of chior at 6:00 pm
9:30 pm to (nevermind this is classified "For her eyes Only")
Sunday 6:am -extra hour sleep period (YEA!!)
7:00am to 9:00 am off to church
9:00am to 3:30 pm Clean up "the pit" prepare for Monday meeting (yeah it's a
legal holiday, but when one of my Board of Directors calls for a meeting of
the entire membership (sigh) duty call and I have to chair it and be the
3:30 pm to 5:30 pm - Pub experiance, catching up my sports scores, results,
trading "expert monday morning" knowledge on Tiger Wood's mistakes
this weekend
5:30pm to 7:30 pm - Make Sunday Dinner (My "kitchen therapy" mode!)
7:30 to 9:30pm "Boob Tube Time" (actually sitting there plannng my week
and pretending to know what's actually on the TV!
9:30 to 5:00am Sleep period
Monday 5:00 to 6:30am Surfing, blogging, caffeine intake mode
6:30 am to noon Travel and Board of Directors meeting
12:00 to 1:pm travel back to my own zip code
1:00pm to 9:00 pm Job 2
9:00 pm to 10:00pm Pub Experiance
10:00 pm to 5:00 am sleep period
Tuesday 5:00 am---aaaah, back to the regular week's toil

This is a lousy exercise! I'm already tired and I'm still twenty-four hours away from the beginning!
HEY!!! Hope y'all have a great end of the week and a fun weekend. If I didn't like working so much I'd probably be pissed off! (I am demented, but I'm on my way to some private goals which in a couple of years will make life a lot easier!

1 comment:

lucy said...

I hate your jam packed schedule (it made me tired just reading it) but I love the date night with your wife :)