Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Attention, stalkers!

Recently I've been writing and NO ONE, has even left me a note or a comment! Let me explain the process. At the end of each entry which, I sweat, labor, agonize and other wise "slave over" composing, there is a "thingy" that says comments. If you put your cursor on it and "click" you will find a box that invites you to leave a comment. DO IT!!
They say blogs are like "private diaries", but that's bullshit. I write, just to share my life with you. With no comments the implied is "why the hell write any more?)
Sorry , just a quick rant!
We had a "memorial service" for my good buddy "Mikie" tonoght at The Whales Tale" , perhaps about ten or twelve of us. A shot of Sambuca, a toast, and a time to remember,....we loved you Mikie,...and damn it we miss the hell out of you!

1 comment:

lucy said...

Now, now Alec, no tantrums over comments.

(But I know what you mean, and you successfully guilt tripped me into feeling bad I hadn't commented recently)

So there, some lucy comment love.