Sunday, July 30, 2006

Now I'm pissed!!!

One of the joys in "blogging" is that it is a relatively non-commercial enterprise,....well that was until today. Now I'm really pissed!
I was out scanning my favorite blogs and decided to pop into my own blog and see if there were ant comments, sure enough there were three!! Wow! Someone is starting to read my stuff, So I click intot he "comments" to see who they are and what they had to say and poof, faster than shit, they are all Advertisements! "Cool stuff that you write, check my page "Boston renters". I click and it's a damn ad!!
Ok folks how do we outlaw these or simply spam the shit out of the advertiser until they realize they screwed up big time messing with "blogdom"?
Any ideas or suggestions? Or do I have to start looking for a blog connection that outlaws them by charging me a fee?
I'm disgusted. The last frontier is shattered by Madison Ave. A thousand year pox on them and thier clients!!

1 comment:

lucy said...

I hope you appreciate the irony of asking for comments helping to get rid of spam. And the comments left are spam :)

I got rid of mine by enabling the Word Verification through Blogger. It's a pain but I haven't had any spam since then (in fact I turned off the verification a week ago and haven't had anything come back since then)

And thank you for the link :)