Wednesday, June 28, 2006

High on a hill lived a lonely goatherd!

Well for the past three days here in Utah we have been whizzing on highways (we were doing 85 and a Sheriff passed us once) but always like in between the mountains. (I guess you call them "passes"). Well last night we had a barbeque out at the home of our future daughter in law. You know, the meeting the other parents and siblings, bridesmaids, groomsmen, etc. Well Maria told us her father would call us and he did and spoke to my wife. Long story short they told us they lived in a "mountain home". (For a boy from Boston you can just imagine what that conjured up!) Well after zigging and zagging aat what seemed like a 60 degree angle up these mountain roads for ten minutes or so we reach the house. I loved the house but the first thing that hits you is how the hell do you build a house on the side of a mountain, and the other thing is that the house is about 60% steps. They are everywhere! they have a garage "down below" right on the roadside that connects to the house with something like 65 steps (Forget the groceries. We're eating out every day!) There were rooms everywhere with spectacular views out every window. But me?, I'm a city boy. I need the reassurance of concrete, asphalt, eight story brick buildings, people bussling along and all. Once the get the transporter from Startrek really done and in the market place ,well, maybe I'll go there for a brief, two hour, respite, but live up there, God no!
If you had a couple of Guinness the probability that you would never be heard from again after driving off one of these switchbacks is at least 3,000 percent higher than getting stopped for a DUI! I bet they have a very low rate of driving intoxicated here, but a huge list of "missing" folks.
Today's the big day. Son number two gets married at fiveish. Because of work demands he and his new wife are going to postpone thier honeymoon trip til later, Cancun, Mexico, in favor of back to work tomorrow. The demands of todays younger generation means everything has to be scheduled.
Well I guess we''re going to breakfast now so time to sign off for today.
Of yeah, I forgot to tell you the wedding is on the side of this mountain with a waterfall and you need to go up one of those almost vertical roads to get there. (Note to self; watch the Guinness consumption, you trip at this place and fall, you're winding up rolling down hill into somewhere in Arizona, possibly to be just a disfigured mass of protoplasm at the bottom of the hill, and future gecco food!
Bye for now.


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