Friday, February 29, 2008

It's all about "decency"!!

And NO!, I'm not talking about lovely short skirts, bikini's etc. What I'm taling about is a sense of decorum about our U.S. media.
For example, if one works hard, educates him/her self works with a passion toward thier objectives, then it is almost inevitable they will be successful. But is it a "flawless" success? Probably not, because we are all of the human species, prone to a mistake here and there, prone to a moment of weakness, and occasionally prone to allowing our "emotions" drive the bus. But that's where "decency" comes into play. And most of it revolves around timing. For example, two of the sharpest businessmen to ever "do thier thing", in my mind were Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric, and Lee Iacocca, former CEO of Chrysler Corporation. They both came up from NOTHING, worked hard, educated themselves, and God knows worked with unbelievable passion toward their objectives,....and succeeded!
So what happens? Jack is portraayed as a horny old rich spoiled egotist who runs off with a "floozie", leaving his "faithful wife" in the dust, screwing with his former company and giving himself a "golden parachute squared exponentially".
And poor Lee, well he didn't pull any real "bone-head" moves that the press has unearthed yet, they just dismiss him as a "probable" dementia victim, definately "looney" and would rather he just throw some horseshoes at the rest home and shut the hell up publically.
But let's talk about politicians. John McCain, "hot shot" jet jockey, shot down, imprisioned for seven years, tortured, etc. no doubt a hero, tough as nails, motivated, driven, and "a survivor". His claim to fame over the past twenty years or so has been being a politician, and a "rebel" at that, but what did he single handedly drive or do AND complete for the betterment of the many? (Answers may be directed to me bu hitting the "reply" button at the bottom of this blog)
Hillary Clinton, failed to get a good health plan working, had VERY questionable dealings in real estate, opted to run for the U.S. Senate in New York, basically because it was easy pickin's and open at the time, not out of any great love of New York I can assure you. Oh yeah and her Academy Award winning performance at the Best "Stand by your man" impersonation in motion picture history. But what else has she done to merit my even passing thought at her candidacy?
Barak Obama, got an education, came from a strange background, holds religious beliefs totally and diametrically opposed to those of our country, that is if he really believes in what his religion says, "There is but one God and Allah is his name." Guess all the Catholics, Baptists, Methodists, Episcopalans, Unitarians, Mormans, Jews, etc., etc. etc. better start looking for another country. How can one possibly reconcile the basic cornerstone of one's faith with "one nation under God" which grants freedom of religion as it's cornerstone. Cynic, yes!!
Well, got to go to work. Some idiot with this yappy little dog just will not keep the little critter on a leash. (Gated community, rules are rules you know.) He's been fined a hundred dollars at least four times, refuses to pay, (frankly there is nothing we can really do to him), BUT send your e-mails to me you know? "You have to take care of this", "This is a MAJOR" problem", "It's your job to stop this violation!"
"FREE Yappy little shit of a dog, hasn't fatally injured anyone yet, comes with arrogant old fart owner and crotchety ancient neighbors as a 1-800-give a shit, or write your local PETA group, or send coin of the realm for my "retirement" to a country with no gated communities, no yappy little shit doggies, old people who smile, drink tea, and are just sooooo glad to be on this side of the grass that they are nice!


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I'm really getting bad at keepin' up

No apology, no excuses I just haven't written.

Let me see what I can rustle up for you.
Passed into 63'hood quietly, got health insurance coming April 1st, getting a preliminary indication of a tax refund,still on this side of the grass, and according to my wife I'm getting much more "cranky".
Friend of mine who was a full bird Colonel in the USAF sent me some footage of a C-130 aircraft attaching a bunch of insurgents. Damn have we gotten sophisticated. All I could think of was the scene from the Tom Clancy movie "Patriot games", the little moving white figures and the shaded grey visuals of trees, fences, vehicles and buildings and the little white tracer rounds and "poof" trucks disappear, little stick men evaporate, a voice over of the "fire controller" with comments like "to your left, behind the water tower,....he's running,...smoke 'em." And poof another stick man goes to meet his 70 Virgins.
(Here comes the cranky part!) If I've said it once I've said it a hundred times, if we are doin' war, ...let's do war!
I am not a "hawk", but neither am I a "dove", I never ran from a fight, but then again I don't pick fights either. If you attempt to rain on my parade you WILL get a bolt of lightning right up your ass. So what does that make me?

'Nother subject, this election. It scares the shit out of me. First time in my life I ever saw not a single winner poossible! Sure someone will win, but the election is about our Country winning,....and no matter who is elected we are going to lose!
(Another cranky point here!) I blame the root cause of poor leadership in this country solely on the damn media. Even I wouldn't run for dog catcher! We are all human beings, and at some point (except for Jesus Christ!) we've all done something stupid, dumb or hurtful to others. Does that make us evil bastards who don't deserve to live? Hell no! But our media feels obligated to expose every scrap of humanity in our being regardless of it's impact, simply to make a profit, be it selling newspapers, getting more for commercial time on TV or Radio, or just plain pushing an agenda.
Now I've always voted, and I try and think it through and make my vote count. But this year, which also feels like a "Star date 34756.8 we are continuing the Election process", I have a real severe case of "Electile Dysfunction" I really don't give a shit who is elected, it's a loss for our Country.
And the next "terrorist attack" well it's not an "if" as a friend of mine said, but a "when".
Ok, baby steps I started writing words again, maybe more tomorrow, time to go to work and be cranky. (Got one co-employee who constantly says "I'm sorry" and my patience is about done. Maybe today iis the day I reply, "Don't be sorry either do your job right or tie a concrete block to your leg and go swimming!"

Owwww! I am cranky!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Oh shit, blood pressure is spiking!!

One of my biggest shortfalls is that I am an intense son of a bitch! No matter what i do or say I am intense about things of which I'm passionate. Sooooo, does that make me a bead person?
According to the doctors YES, according to my wife ABSOLUTELY, according to my neighbors and business acquaintances NO, to them I'm just "f***ing crazy"! So what's the problem?
(If I had to side with any of these folks,....well, would be with neighbors and business acquaintances.) BECAUSE I AM!!!
Well more tomorrow, ...the wife is telling me for the eighth time that my dinner is getting cold! Again I ask if my determination of cold is the same as hers? NOT!!!

Saturday, February 09, 2008

OK, I'm bad!

Welcome back earthlings, please join us in the quality appointed lounge of the galactic flagship "WhothehellareU" for a refreshing beverage and civil talk,......or just be like the rest of the world and read on to the rantings of an old fart! Either way it's your choice (scary, huh?)
It's Saturday afternoon again. I went to work this morning at 8:30 to clean my desk, decided at 10:00 am I needed a massage and booked an appointment for 1:30pm, re-arranged the deck chairs on the Titanic, too advantage of my two "new" four drawer legal file cabinets, and put "shit" in the drawers. (Understand two things,...1. Who the hell uses LEGAL size anything besides lawyers? And don't get me started afterall I'm being sued by one, sueing another, asking advise from a third, fourth, fifth and sixth,....shit this is even confusing me!! And 2. how the hell do you put letter size shit into legal size drawers?
Anyway an hour and a half later the drawers are full, my desk is empty, and the joint looks clean and neat!
My boss shows up and says "What are you in for on Saturday?" "One for the team, catching up so I can hit the field running on Monday, etc., etc." He's happy but sitting in his office cursing his computer for it's slowness. "Say boss, when was the last time you de-fraged your computer?" "De-what?"
Being a nerdy old fart I tell him, "look boss, when your through just let me know when you leave and I'll start the de-frag program for you , it will probably take six or eight hours to run." (Cool!, I'll be outta here in an half hour, just stopped in to call a few bud's, I want to go sight in these two new rifles I got for deer hunting this afternoon." (Yuk,....killing Bambi? Now that's un-civil, and barbaric! Mr. Guinness philosophy, am I against shooting animals? Absolutely not,...but only if you have to feed yourself or your family! Sport hunting is barbaric. What's the difference between it and "sport shagging"?)
Anyway I get a grateful "go for it, I'll leave my computer on for you." (Now is that a trusting boss and owner of the company, or what?)
Off to my massage,....yea God!!! It was wonderful! I firmly believe that if we simply paid for everyone to get a weekly massage the amount of disease and crap would be severely reduced. SICK is mis-spelled,it should be spelled S-T-R-E-S-S!
Anyway an hour of my life evaporated, I feel great, relaxed and de-stressed, SOOOOO back to the office finish up some more "stuff" go visit a few of my properties, and off to the Pub. (Masseuse said I should drink plenty of liquids after the massage,...who am I to dispute her?)
Now I'm home, waiting for "mama" and her sister to come home from church,(I'm an old fashion Catholic,...Church is on Sunday morning!) and we are going out to one of my wife's favorite restaurants,..."Stinky's Fish Camp"! They have a token "real" food for "fish challenged" like myself,...wonder what it is? Well at least the Vino list is good! (The wife can't understand why we never get out of there for under a hundred dollars,...I hate fish, so I always have "fillet of Merlot", or " a Grand Cru of Shiraz" (she never notices the wine, because she loves the fish!)
Got to go they are in the driveway honking and wondering.
See you tomorrow!