Sunday, May 27, 2007

Three day week end,...YEA, Memorial Day - Remember:

Remember all the men and women that gave thier lives in a lot of cases, for this country and YOU.
Remember all those who have gone before you, given up so much for you, and made it possible for you to even be here.
Remember that you have an obligation to everyone of them to make something of yourself, in some meaningful way, and to pass on to others as much as those before you.
Remember what the colors of the United States Flag mean, red for the blood we shed for freedom and equality, white for the hope for a better tomorrow for everyone, and blue for the resolve and strength to be true in every way to the goals and ideals of this country.


Now for some fun,

One of the blogs I read regularly is called "Analyzing Jordan", and aside from her really powerful sense of independance and committment to things she has a really "soft side" and let's her feelings show from time to time, for that I thank her, it makes getting to know her so much easier, because real people are hard to find!
Anyhow I digress. Jordan did a five question challenge and I popped her an e-mail and said I'd try it, soooo she sent me five questions, and all I could say initially was "Gulp!", but after considerable reflection here we go: (p.s. If any of you want the challenge, different questions of course, but remember you have to answer them all , honestly, and in your blog then just e-mail me and I'll put five together for you. )

1. "If you could go back and re-do any one thing in your life, what would it be?"
BANG! Right between the eyes on the first question! Well after considerable wrestling with almost 63 years of "stuff" under the dam I guess I'd have to say it would have been to have completed College at the usual age, not twenty some odd years later than usual at 42 with a full blown family in place already. I missed out on my kids growing up because I was in school four nights a week, studying the other three and most of the weekend, and working a fulltime and a part time job, and otherwise deluding myself that it would allow me to make a better life for them.
Like Rocky said, "I cudda been a contender!" Fact really is most college educations at the usual age are totally wasted, BUT they do open doors other than blue collar labor, or white collar slavery, but alas, I'm me and at this point in my life I'm running 12 simoultaneous "businesses", directing 5 multi-million dollar law suites on behalf of my clients, still have my health and time for a pint of Guinness every day and time to be a friend,...a real friend. Would a 38 foot Sailboat, a summer place in the Rockies, a Ferrarri in the garage beside the Jaguar sedan for those days of "oh what the hell" be nice? Sure, but then me thinks I'd have to be "playing a role" instead of being just plain good ole me with a pint and shoulder for those who needed it and just want to talk.

2. What was the strangest thing that ever happened to you?
Hmmmmm! This one caused a lot of thought, like weeks worth, and even now I'm torn between three or four things, but I'll pick one,
I guess it was the first time I really ever acknowledged the presense of God in my life. Even now I remember it so vividly. I'm not a "holy roller" or a preachy kind of the severe "born again types", nor even a guy that spends a ton of time in church or for that matter praying. I'm sort of the reformed Catholic type. Sorry, getting away from topic :( But anyhow, when I was in the U.S.Navy back in the 60's, stationed on an Aircraft Carrier which was built in 1942 and survuved WWII, on an Admirals Staff I remember one evening I was up hanging around the Admirals Bridge. There were two bridges, one for the Captain of the Ship and a mirror image duplicate for the Admiral, they were one over the other with the Admirals being on a higher level. It really was more of a Gallery for the Admiral and the "brass" to hang out during the day and watch over the exercises and "ops" we ran, but they'd all bail out after six at night and then some of us, very few mind you, would just go hang out and watch the ocean. We were coming back across the North Atlantic Ocean in May, and trust me if you've seen the movie "The Perfect Storm" then that is absolutely positively exactly what the North Atlantic is like during the spring. Sitting on the Bridge watching the seven or eight story high bow of this bigger than a football field "airport" with almost 4,000 human beings on it plunge down into the ocean, seeing water come over the bow and the spray just slamming the windows of the Bridge which was at least nine stories high is a demonstration of true power! I got to thinking about the whole world 4/5's of it covered by water, the vulnerability of this behemoth ship just bobbing around like a cork, the beating of the hull with thousands, nay make that millions of gallons of sea water, the dark sky, the white caped waves towering above where I stood by twenty or thirty feet, the motion of the ship down into the trough, and back up the side. It must have been like being in a bucking bronco's head and watchiing the world go by at the rodae when the gate opened. But at a moment in that chaos, I just came to believe there is a God, and his power is omnipotent, but his passion and caring just keeps me in his hand and safe.

3. "You wrote a book about your life , what is the title?
No contest here, that's easy. It would be titled, "Learn, Love, Lead, ...and be humble!"
I don't see myself as deigned for the Mount Olympuses of business, careers, or being able to say "Google me, I'm out there." But to the contrary I see myself like a sponge, learning and trying every single thing on the Buffet of Life, I see myself being true and loving to a single woman, loving and being eternally proud and grateful for all the inner beauty of my (our) children. And in general being "All that you can be", as they used to say in the Army recruiting commercials for my community, my church and my friends. That means living my beliefs and leading by my example, and letting God figure out what I missed and letting me know. (If he wants too.)

4. "If you were told you had to leave the country in three days and never return, what would you do with that time?"
Wow, that's deep! I guess I'd be sure I had as many addresses and telephone numbers in my Blackberry as possible, spend some time in New York and San Francisco, and of course my native Boston. Catch a few Symphonies, eat like a pig at my ten most favorite restaurants, and be sure I had a really awesome souped up computer and lots of batteries,...then I'd probably spend some time figuring out where I'd like to go. In all probability it would boil down to three places, Ireland, England or Australia. Then I'd get a good nights rest before I went. I'm always up for an adventure and really hate to look back when there is so much of the world I've yet to see.

5. "If you could be a historical figure from American history...who would you choos, and why?"
Another killer question! Well I guess I would have liked to have been the noted Thomas Jefferson. The founders of this country were unbelievably awesome patriots, and in my humble opinion were so unselfish and forward thinking that what they wrote, and the framework of this nation has for survived for over 200 years. I think Jefferson in particular as the actual "wordsmith" of our Constitution and Declaration of Independance had the opportunity to think for everyone. Not just those in 1776, ar before, but for you, me and all of those to come after us. My only regret is that we have strayed from that type of selfless thinking and turned into a much more self centered, egotistical world where in actuality "It's all about ME!"
We are a great country, but are slowly being whittled down to just a "rich" country, not necessarily a caring, open, one. Sure the "Irish need not apply" signs were right alonside the "Colored need not apply" ones. But for all of that we are still growing and as long as we stay vigilant to the ideal that "everyone can be great, all they need is the ability to pursue life, liberty and freedom, free from oppression, free from threats, and open to the simple first line of the Declaration of Independance, that indeed, 'All men are created equal', we will prevail!"

Thanks Jordan, great thinking exercise, and a kick in the pants back what is important.


Wednesday, May 23, 2007

It's been a while, ...I apologize.

Yeah, the old blogging got away from me for a while. But I'm back.
I reached a bit of a "pressure point" where a lot of things began to close in on me at the same time. Sort of like trying to put ten pounds in a five pound box, know, so something had to give while I resolved the rest, and my blog took the hit this time.
I still love the work I do (My wife says get a hobby as well as I tend to "stop by" the office on Saturday and Sunday for something or another.)But the "compensation package" needed adjustment so that occupied a great deal of what's left of my grey matter getting adjusted. I really was intent about it so I endeavored to cover all the bases at the same time. A) I secured another job, same field and all different company, for more money, but not the total I wanted (should say 'had to have' since my "hurricane" insurance premium went from $2400 to $5400 this year!). The new "job" being secured, I set about opening discussions with a VERY serious backer who has an open checkbook and is really bugging me to set up my own firm and he'll guarantee to underwrite it for a minimum of three years, no strings attached! "You say the word we'll open an office tomorrow morning." Then no "request for a raise" would be complete with out seriously dealing with your own current employer. (Did I say that by now I was reaching stress point Alpha? That's the place where three hours of solid sleep a night is all you get, eating is a non-essential part of your life, and one day runs into another and it's like the old cartoon of Mickey Mouse as the Socerer's Apprentice trying to empty the water and getting farther behind.)
The last thing I had to do was plead my case. Sooooo, I did what I do best, I sat down and wrote an entire case for myself, about eight full pages, single spaced, (yes and even spell-checked). I pointed out, in as non arrogant fashion as I personally could muster, that it had been a full year to the day since I took the position with the company, had not whinned about anything they threw at me, had performed at a peak level, and was now in the position of deciding whether I would re-new MY contract with them for another year. (It's a job dummy, not a personal contract for services!)
Well that's where I've drawn the "line in the sand"! It is a personal contract as far as I'm concerned. It finally dawned on me that the old joke I've told for years that the word "JOB" is an anacronym for JUST OVER BROKE, is really true. Does your employer REALLY want you to get a head, make lots of money, live a much more comfortable life, etc.,etc,? Hell NO, you might decide to change things and ask for more money or something. Well at 62 years young I said "what the hell, give it a shot, you got another job in your pocket, a backer for your own business, and it's only three more years to full Social Security Retirement and an extra $2,000 a month and unlimited earnings with no penalty or reduction from the Social Security. Shit I could always just bag groceries and live on peanut butter and crackers for three years if all hell breaks loose!
So I penned the final copy, told my firm I would "re-new my contract" for a 27% salary increase, a 100% re-imbursement of my "Crackberry" expenses monthly, and a full time Administrative Assisstant within three months at my new office. I dropped off the letter to my boss with a recommendation that immediate reading might be very appropriate as I was a serious person when it comes to this kind of thing.
Six days later I get an e-mail telling me that we will "schedule your review for a week from Friday". Not to be to "obnoxious" I stopped by her office and said "You know next Friday will be fine if you like, but I must remind you that will in fact be the end of the two week period since I've given you my letter , which by the way will also serve as my two week notice in the event we can't come to terms. I just noted that would be cutting herself very short, in fact leaving absolutely no time to transition my accounts to a new Manager,but...whatever day she wanted was fine, but also noting every second of discussion was an absolute waste of time, and falling on deaf ears if they were not at or above my terms for re-newal. Not a threat, just simply the facts, as I already had other offers in hand and that could be started without so much as a ripple on the pond.
The next morning I recieved a call wanting to know if we could move the time up to "tomorrow" instead of Friday. "Certainly, what time would you like?" was the reply. Anyway long story short the next day I'm sitting in her office and we start with the typical "Well I've been looking over the work you've done for the past year and I wanted to discuss a few shortfalls I've noticed with you."
"That's fine, but lets deal with the bottom line so we don't wste your time or mine."
"Excuse me?"
"I'm not here to discuss my work of the past year, unless it pertains to the work in the next year, which of course may be a totally moot point if my salary and other requirements are not met, do understand?"
" Um,...ah, yes, but.."
"Excuse me this time. Either you are going to meet my terms or not, and here is a compensation survey done nationally and by region for my position as a 'portfolio' manager of properties. As you can see on page three this firm, as well as most other local firms are approximately 47% below the regional average, and the national average. And this survey is only three days old. Part of what I have tried to give you is a very complete package, as up to date as possible, for all the prevailing factors to help you make your decision. So I guess the larger question that must be answered first is are you going to meet my requests to at least the minimum amounts I requested or not? If you are we can continue, if not then I will be leaving and going to my favorite Pub for a cold Guinness and to let my clients know that you will be contacting them shortly with notice of a new manager for them so please take me off thier "speed dial" as I will begin work Monday for a new firm, and my decision not to re-new my contract with you was for specific reasons which if they want I would be very happy to expand upon."
"Yes, yes, we are going to meet you request for everything, the 27% salary increase, the telephone costs, and the Assisstant in two months, OK?"
"That's wonderful, and I expect it to begin today, is that correct?"
"Yes, yes,(pulling form out of drawer) In fact I'll fill it out right now and take it over to payroll, is that satisfactory?"
"That's fine,I'll just go to get a bottle of water and be back and we can discuss whatever you'd like......

And so it went. Of course I told my key accounts what was happening in advance, personally told them to do absolutely nothing as the firm had to come to it's own conclusion as to my value to them. I told several of my associates who wished me well and told me to call them when I got settled at the new job as this firm would never pay that much, and reminder me of the $75 Christmas bonus, and several of them who had been told profitability was down and they were going to be unable to give any raises this year.
Long story short when I emerged from my bosses office after an hour it was 5p.m., but to the last man everyone was hanging out, peeking over thier cubicles as I opened the door.
"I'll see you guys tomorrow! Good night!"

Now I see a little light in the office, I've given them hope, put the firm on notice a bit, and brought in a whole new thought process. "You don't 'work' for anyone but yourself, and if you work hard you can make it happen for you too,...stand up and be your own boss for a change, not "just an employee".


Saturday, May 12, 2007

Saturday, Geritol, sex, and life!!!!

Bizarre heading, you bet, bizarre writer!
I'm sitting here on a Saturday evening watching a history channel documentary on riveting iron together with 1940's film clips. Cool!!!
I've been out working all day, stopped at my boss's office yesterday and told her the dollars I put in my memo were NOT negociable and that I viewed my mempo as notice,...either a reminder if they meet my demands, or...goodbye that day of my review. I reminded her that if they could not meet my criteria as of next friday the 18th, it meant GOODBYE by 5pm that day. I indicated I would stillbe able to transition my accounts if she would be ghonest and the next week could be productive,...or not, her choice. She continues to hardline!!
Oh well, not my problem as I have all the paperwork filled out for the new comapny, have to go take a pee test (give me a break,...62 and a half and you think I may be on drugs!!!! DUH!! I'm 62 because I don't do drugs!!! Me and my liver have a threesome going with Aurthur P. Guinness, not Mary Jane "how you doing?".
Tried Mary J once , whats the big deal? I'll take three legal pints of Guinness and be there a little later, but a little more legally!
Rambling now,...time to sign off. Analyzing Jordan sent me a question challenge and I'll try and answer that tomorrow.
Be cool!

Sunday, May 06, 2007

"The die is cast!"

Trivia #1 : Who said "The die is cast" and what were the circumstances. (And no it was not me playing Monopoly!)

Oh well, off to newer and more exciting things. I guess I'll try and "talk through" my employment decision with you and see what you think.
On the one hand I really and truly love what I do. It is absolutely different and "stat" everyday, from the mundane of a broken sprinkler head, or some drunk kicking down the front door of a unit at 3:30 in the morning, to like yesterday at a meeting I had telling about twenty-five folks they spent about $2.0 million apiece on a gorgeous building two years old that needs at least $4.0 million worth of repairs to make it another six years, or it may very well just wash into the sea. (And when it was all over they thanked me for my research, strategy, and presentation and said, "do whatever you need to do to fix things and we'll cover it", God I love my job.)
It's what a friend of mine called "Irish Diplomacy" , the art of telling someone they are going to hell and leaving them looking forward to the trip!
Anyhow, It's "crunch time" again. I told the owner of the Company that just offered me a much better compensation package, a full time Administrative Assisstant, and 75% coverage for all my benefits on thier nichel, plus a workload of HALF the number of Associations I manage now! Should have taken the job,....damn it!

Friday, May 04, 2007

No I'm not dead, ....just incredibly busy.

The convolution of events is a really strange thing. I'm pressed for time but I'll try and do a quick one for you.
A. Next week, May 8th to be exact, marks my first full year with my present company. I've written a five page , single spaced review of the company for them. (#1 FACT, I work for myself and my family, NOT a company, ergo they need, and I oblige, to be "reviewed" each year as they do to me, to determine whether they are worth the continued delivery of my services, or not.
B. I've been approached by a man with big money (in fact by two different men!) who are willing to set up a company for me to run in the same business as the Company I am currently employed by. No strings, full access to a million dollars for start up and no return expectations for three years minimum and then a full return structured over five more years including thier total exit from the company and I recieve full ownership!
C. Yesterday while attending a symposium on Hurricane and insurance preparation and planning I get a phone call from another Company in the same business who wants to take me to lunch. (I met with these fols about five months ago and they indicated they would like me to entertain coming over to thier firm "down the road") Sure, I'l go,(beats the hotel's Purina Conference attendee food) So long stiry short they want me as well. My own big office, my own personal Administrative Assisstant, half the number of accounts I currently handle, more money and better benfits, bonuses for any accounts I bring or that follow me unsolicited to the new company, 90 review, and a full general managership when the guy above me (who is late 60's and looking medically not too good) retires. Plus full autonomy of operations!

Ok, friends, so be side a lot of analysis and soul searching this weekend, any suggestions? I'll expand on my thoughts tomorrow or Sunday afternoon. (I have an Annual meeting tomorrow that will take about 4 hours so it might be sunday.

Mr. Guinness