Been very busy sheparding this lawsuit for one of my associations, in fact spent time with Banks setting up million dollar credit lines yesterday.
This morning I found an interesting site on the web, it is "" it's one of those survey type sites in that you answer a whole bunch (maybe 40 questions) about health history, background, medicines, activity levels, exercise(what the hell is that?), and they compare them all in some big "black program" and send you the results. The bottom line is that there is your biological age, your mental age, and your physiological age. So biologically you could be 40, mentally 21 (sometimes accused of that!), and physiologically 65. Granted I'm citing extremes here, but I'm waiting for the e-mail results. Sure would be nice to be biologically the 62.5 I am, but mentally about 40, and physiologically about 50. But I reckon due to my being "built for comfort not speed" the physiological might be about 70! I'll let you know when I get the info (provided my answers did'nt blow up thier computer program.
I had some time to kill yesterday waiting for an appointment with a bank so I pulled out a looseleaf notebook that I started years ago and just happen to have in the car, in which a lot on my "pre-blogging" blogs (a/k/a real written things on paper) were stored. I think I may put some of them up on the web for your consideration and see if my commetns and thoughts from the early 21st century still hold water.
Gotta go for now, back at you when I get home this afternoon.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Sorry Boys and Girls,...been on a mental vacation!
What with working every day and all kinds of other things going on in life I fianlly reached a point with my hiatus from the world of work and realized
I even had a full vacation in Disneyworld planned for a six day stint in September, and I even prepaid for it all. (Forget it, I ain't even going to think about cancelling it! I was smart enopugh to buy the meal plan as welland all the tickets and reservations so shit! Just gonna go and relax and enjoy. I'll be back to getting serious after that.)
And since it's going to be a "grueling six days of FUN!" I guess I better rest up now and get in shape for it.ok, first the sleep regimen. No more five and a half hours, then up on the computer, checking the bank accounts etc.,....nope screw it. Go to bed at 10 pm and stay there til 8am, (it ain't like I gotta be at work at 8!) Get up pour a cup of coffee, shower and shave, (I know some guys live for the days they can skip shaving for the day, me, shit I don't even feel awake unless I shave it's sort of an O/C thing (obsessive compulsive), then I'm human.)
Go dick around on the computer, touch base with the clients that are going to jump ship and come with me in Novemeber, make sure everybodies still happy and on track, do a few errands, make a few calls to "former business associates" (they are the most fun actually, here's how they usually go;
Hey Ann, how's things going?
"Pretty good, and how about you I heard they dumped you,...ah, what are you doing now?"
"Actually I'm just lining them all up, getting ready to create some havoc in the field, know?"
"Ah..yeah, I mean like who are you working for now."
"Ann, Ann, remember I always told you never work for anyone but yourself, casue if you get a "JOB" it simply means "Just Over Broke", why should I work for anyone else?"
"Well I mean you have to get a check right? Or did you start your own firm?"
"Actually I did start my own company, I am now officially a fully licenced and registered "LLC" (Limited Liability Corporation). Just finished registering it all about five days ago as a matter of fact."
"Great, so what's it called and what are you doing with it?"
"Awww,Ann, you know if I told you I'd have to kill you! I am getting ready to just pop everything wide open, know?"
"Y..e..s, but what are you going to do?"
"Well, today I'm probably going to have a bite to eat for lunch, work on a couple contracts and make a few corrections to them, then slip down to the pub for a couple of pints before supper, know, nothing strenuous."
"But what exactly are you going to do?"
"Well,'s kind of a long story, but I guess,...oops, hold on a minute, it's my damn cell."
" Sorry just a few of the last minute detail thingies to take care of before we launch."
"But what about your non-compete agreement?"
"I'm one of those stupid idiots that believe in the Constitution, you know the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. If Mr. Magoo is that afraid of little old me after he's had a dozen years to build and establish his shitty little company,well,....I guess my comment is "Bring it on Mother,...but be sure someone's got your back, 'cause I'm gonna be all over your clients with truth, you can then explain to them the thing with the "blue smoke and mirrors" and the sublties of "misappropriation" versus a three year series of "bookeeping errors"."
"So maybe we should get together and you can fill me in on all the stuff you're doing?"
"Gee Ann, I'd love to but I have to be real careful not to let any of this slip out and all. Got a lot at stake here. Listen I'd love to talk more, but I just got a few e-mails I have to deal with like now. Take care kid and keep in touch,...adios"
And so it goes, keep 'em all guessing while I relax a bit more. Once Disneyworld is over and done, I'll be ready for another three or four years of kick ass business pursuit, only this time it will be on my terms and for my company!
I even had a full vacation in Disneyworld planned for a six day stint in September, and I even prepaid for it all. (Forget it, I ain't even going to think about cancelling it! I was smart enopugh to buy the meal plan as welland all the tickets and reservations so shit! Just gonna go and relax and enjoy. I'll be back to getting serious after that.)
And since it's going to be a "grueling six days of FUN!" I guess I better rest up now and get in shape for it.ok, first the sleep regimen. No more five and a half hours, then up on the computer, checking the bank accounts etc.,....nope screw it. Go to bed at 10 pm and stay there til 8am, (it ain't like I gotta be at work at 8!) Get up pour a cup of coffee, shower and shave, (I know some guys live for the days they can skip shaving for the day, me, shit I don't even feel awake unless I shave it's sort of an O/C thing (obsessive compulsive), then I'm human.)
Go dick around on the computer, touch base with the clients that are going to jump ship and come with me in Novemeber, make sure everybodies still happy and on track, do a few errands, make a few calls to "former business associates" (they are the most fun actually, here's how they usually go;
Hey Ann, how's things going?
"Pretty good, and how about you I heard they dumped you,...ah, what are you doing now?"
"Actually I'm just lining them all up, getting ready to create some havoc in the field, know?"
"Ah..yeah, I mean like who are you working for now."
"Ann, Ann, remember I always told you never work for anyone but yourself, casue if you get a "JOB" it simply means "Just Over Broke", why should I work for anyone else?"
"Well I mean you have to get a check right? Or did you start your own firm?"
"Actually I did start my own company, I am now officially a fully licenced and registered "LLC" (Limited Liability Corporation). Just finished registering it all about five days ago as a matter of fact."
"Great, so what's it called and what are you doing with it?"
"Awww,Ann, you know if I told you I'd have to kill you! I am getting ready to just pop everything wide open, know?"
"Y..e..s, but what are you going to do?"
"Well, today I'm probably going to have a bite to eat for lunch, work on a couple contracts and make a few corrections to them, then slip down to the pub for a couple of pints before supper, know, nothing strenuous."
"But what exactly are you going to do?"
"Well,'s kind of a long story, but I guess,...oops, hold on a minute, it's my damn cell."
" Sorry just a few of the last minute detail thingies to take care of before we launch."
"But what about your non-compete agreement?"
"I'm one of those stupid idiots that believe in the Constitution, you know the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. If Mr. Magoo is that afraid of little old me after he's had a dozen years to build and establish his shitty little company,well,....I guess my comment is "Bring it on Mother,...but be sure someone's got your back, 'cause I'm gonna be all over your clients with truth, you can then explain to them the thing with the "blue smoke and mirrors" and the sublties of "misappropriation" versus a three year series of "bookeeping errors"."
"So maybe we should get together and you can fill me in on all the stuff you're doing?"
"Gee Ann, I'd love to but I have to be real careful not to let any of this slip out and all. Got a lot at stake here. Listen I'd love to talk more, but I just got a few e-mails I have to deal with like now. Take care kid and keep in touch,...adios"
And so it goes, keep 'em all guessing while I relax a bit more. Once Disneyworld is over and done, I'll be ready for another three or four years of kick ass business pursuit, only this time it will be on my terms and for my company!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Ok folks, time to go to work!!
Guess I'm a bit aggrevated today. Time for a few folks to get off thier asses and make things work for me. I have five, count them, five accounts that are ready,willing and able to go whereever I go, a total of over $75,000 in manageemnt revenue, another $130,000 in maintenance revenue, all ready. Board meetings already held, unanimous agreement to "Go where Mr. G. goes". In fact I had the owner of one company actually call several of them up and confirm what I'm telling him! But alas they are all in the "Show me the beef!" realm as owners,....SOOOOO
Screw it, went on line filled in a few boxes, threw in a credit card, and Poof!!! Now I am a full fledged "Limited Liability Corporation" in the eyes of the State! Do I really need the folks out there , the doubting Thomas's? Not really, but do I really want the real aggrevation of starting another whole business. At going on 63 odds are there aren't too many "long term contracts" I will see for the next ten or twenty years, UNLESS I adopt the old "Today's Sixty is the new Forty" mindset. Shit,...why not!
So I'm off to work tomorrow in "the pit" to set about a getting a Federal ID, or (shudder!!!) tax number, get a bank account open, line up my own contract forms (plagerism is the sincereest form of flattery!), see about a little health insurance for the employee's (a/k/a Me & the Wife), and other mundane garbage.
Then I guess I'll send out the contracts to those who have said they'll follow, and see what happens.
More tomorrow, gotta go get my car from the shop. Radiator was 75% clogged up so it was over heating bigtime,...but I got a brand new radiator fan $193, a new radiator cap $18.65, a new Thermostat (free! they felt guilty that it has taken three times before the problem was ever found!) And God only knows how much this "clean-out costs! (It's da' big one 'Lizbeth, I'm comin'- you gotta be a Sanford and Son fan for this one)
Screw it, went on line filled in a few boxes, threw in a credit card, and Poof!!! Now I am a full fledged "Limited Liability Corporation" in the eyes of the State! Do I really need the folks out there , the doubting Thomas's? Not really, but do I really want the real aggrevation of starting another whole business. At going on 63 odds are there aren't too many "long term contracts" I will see for the next ten or twenty years, UNLESS I adopt the old "Today's Sixty is the new Forty" mindset. Shit,...why not!
So I'm off to work tomorrow in "the pit" to set about a getting a Federal ID, or (shudder!!!) tax number, get a bank account open, line up my own contract forms (plagerism is the sincereest form of flattery!), see about a little health insurance for the employee's (a/k/a Me & the Wife), and other mundane garbage.
Then I guess I'll send out the contracts to those who have said they'll follow, and see what happens.
More tomorrow, gotta go get my car from the shop. Radiator was 75% clogged up so it was over heating bigtime,...but I got a brand new radiator fan $193, a new radiator cap $18.65, a new Thermostat (free! they felt guilty that it has taken three times before the problem was ever found!) And God only knows how much this "clean-out costs! (It's da' big one 'Lizbeth, I'm comin'- you gotta be a Sanford and Son fan for this one)
Monday, August 20, 2007
Now the "old onion" phase begins!
The 'old onion" is the phase where I stopped with the cream the Doc gave me Saturday morning. My face is turning back to the normal skin tones and vehicles don't stop when they see my face anymore like when it was red,red. "Excuse me sir the kids aren't back in school yet why are you crossing guards on the street now?"
Anyhow whatever was in the stuff has allowed me to return to a more normal color, despite everything just drying up and peeling. Sort of like the "old onion" in the bin that is drying out and flaking, or the garlic bulbs. (Really funny thing is that one of the "nutty things" about this whole process was like everytime I'd wash my hands or face I would get a whiff of Garlic! Really weird. I'd call my wife and say "Can you smell it?" and of course she couldn't,...but it was there I swear!
The new Company I'm going to work for wants a few more clients aboard before they start to pay me. (Hmmmm! may have to check this one out,....can things be that tight? I know he fully expects one account to leave , as a matter of fact they will most probably give him notice today, we'll see.)
I've decided to just go with the flow. I called the regular Doc and upped my blood pressure pills (no health insurance until I start the new job officially, and a single incident would put me in the crapper, believe me.) That's another piece of shit with my old company, the day you go you're gone, health insurance and everything, how morally right is that? God am I glad I don't work for that "Christian Company" any more, or maybe the idiot that owns it really thinks he's got a whole new sect of Christianity out there the "Fiorst church of ME, ME, ME!
Played in the kitchen last evening (haven't done that in a while!) made an Apricot chicken dish with dill infused red bliss potatoes, and a "skillet" strawberry shortcake that was really cool. (If I knew how to insert the web link I'd show you, ...but alas I ain't that hi-tech yet.
One of my clients has a budget meeting this morning, and since I do the budgets I'd love to see how my company "bluffs" through this one! They haven't even told them I'm not with the firm anymore. (I really am beginning to feel a real pang to drop a few large boulders on them for "shits and giggles")
So what will I do today? Hurricane Dean is just cruising along with 130 m.p.h. winds and will probably hit the Yucatan Penninsula of Mexico about noon or so tomorrow at it's current pace. Then it's going into the Bay of Campeche west of the Yucatan. The forecasters are calling for it to diminish greatly and become more of a tropical depression, BUT....just a little over ten years ago, a "tropical Depression" named "Opal" just sat in the Bay and began building, and bulding, and building,...then like a scalded dog it took off and slammed into the Fort Walton Beach Area, a scant ten mile from here. So I guess I'll watch this one closely until it's all gone!
Made up some "sole practitioner" business cards yesterday. I have a monthly luncheon and Continuing Education class tomorrow from noon til three so I guess we'll do some heavy networking. (Until someone hands me a check I'm still a free agent and money does make the world go around and pays the bills.
I know!!! I'll write an article on "watching your back" if you are a portfolio manager like I am. Oh well off to enjoy the day!
Anyhow whatever was in the stuff has allowed me to return to a more normal color, despite everything just drying up and peeling. Sort of like the "old onion" in the bin that is drying out and flaking, or the garlic bulbs. (Really funny thing is that one of the "nutty things" about this whole process was like everytime I'd wash my hands or face I would get a whiff of Garlic! Really weird. I'd call my wife and say "Can you smell it?" and of course she couldn't,...but it was there I swear!
The new Company I'm going to work for wants a few more clients aboard before they start to pay me. (Hmmmm! may have to check this one out,....can things be that tight? I know he fully expects one account to leave , as a matter of fact they will most probably give him notice today, we'll see.)
I've decided to just go with the flow. I called the regular Doc and upped my blood pressure pills (no health insurance until I start the new job officially, and a single incident would put me in the crapper, believe me.) That's another piece of shit with my old company, the day you go you're gone, health insurance and everything, how morally right is that? God am I glad I don't work for that "Christian Company" any more, or maybe the idiot that owns it really thinks he's got a whole new sect of Christianity out there the "Fiorst church of ME, ME, ME!
Played in the kitchen last evening (haven't done that in a while!) made an Apricot chicken dish with dill infused red bliss potatoes, and a "skillet" strawberry shortcake that was really cool. (If I knew how to insert the web link I'd show you, ...but alas I ain't that hi-tech yet.
One of my clients has a budget meeting this morning, and since I do the budgets I'd love to see how my company "bluffs" through this one! They haven't even told them I'm not with the firm anymore. (I really am beginning to feel a real pang to drop a few large boulders on them for "shits and giggles")
So what will I do today? Hurricane Dean is just cruising along with 130 m.p.h. winds and will probably hit the Yucatan Penninsula of Mexico about noon or so tomorrow at it's current pace. Then it's going into the Bay of Campeche west of the Yucatan. The forecasters are calling for it to diminish greatly and become more of a tropical depression, BUT....just a little over ten years ago, a "tropical Depression" named "Opal" just sat in the Bay and began building, and bulding, and building,...then like a scalded dog it took off and slammed into the Fort Walton Beach Area, a scant ten mile from here. So I guess I'll watch this one closely until it's all gone!
Made up some "sole practitioner" business cards yesterday. I have a monthly luncheon and Continuing Education class tomorrow from noon til three so I guess we'll do some heavy networking. (Until someone hands me a check I'm still a free agent and money does make the world go around and pays the bills.
I know!!! I'll write an article on "watching your back" if you are a portfolio manager like I am. Oh well off to enjoy the day!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
"The Buffalo Theory" courtesy of Cliffy Clavin
One of the all time GREAT shows on TV was Cheers. In fact I tried to model my Irish on that vein. Any way I can not find the piece on You tube, or anywhere else, but a friend sent me this from a Beer ad and it is the quintesentail Cheers, and why I loved it. If only we could be as tolerant of other folks, as attentive to folks we really know are not totally with it, and as brutally honest and clear in thought. I present to you,...The Buffalo Theory,...
In one episode fo Cheers Cliffy,( the mailman) is seated at the bar describing "The Buffalo Theory" to his buddy Normy. (I don't think I've ever heard the concept any better explained, than this!)
"Well you see Norm, it's like this...a herd of Buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo.And when the herd is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first. This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole. becasue the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular killing of the weakest members.
In much the same way, the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells. Now, as we know, excessive intake of alcohol kills brain cells. But naturally it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first. In this way, regular consumption of beer eleiminates the weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster more efficient machine.
And that , Normy, is why you always feel smarter after a few beers!"
Bravo, Dr. Clavin, what more could humble I add to that argument?
In one episode fo Cheers Cliffy,( the mailman) is seated at the bar describing "The Buffalo Theory" to his buddy Normy. (I don't think I've ever heard the concept any better explained, than this!)
"Well you see Norm, it's like this...a herd of Buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo.And when the herd is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first. This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole. becasue the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular killing of the weakest members.
In much the same way, the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells. Now, as we know, excessive intake of alcohol kills brain cells. But naturally it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first. In this way, regular consumption of beer eleiminates the weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster more efficient machine.
And that , Normy, is why you always feel smarter after a few beers!"
Bravo, Dr. Clavin, what more could humble I add to that argument?
Friday, August 17, 2007
ok,...the Doc calls back (shit!)
"Well you're experiancing the "withdrawal phase" of steroids."
" And that means,...."
" a couple more weeks and you'll be back to normal."
" ...and in the mean time?"
" Well, let me say it's going to get worse before it gets better."
" you're going to give me prescription for it,...right?"
"Well,'s sort of like a real "re-hab" thing, prescription. you're just
going to tough it out,...for a couple week."
"Say what?"
"Sorry, nothing I can do!"
And that's where we are.My face looking like a "medium pepperoni with cheese, heavy on the sauce"! Shit,...this sucks!
Anyway I'm back at you with the verdict. Friends and "worker buddies" think I've been just laying on the beach, soaking up the rays as a sign of my "contempt" from being fired, my new employers think I'm relaticely "cavelier", and I hurt like the old "I'm glad I'm not a wopman and think this chemical peel shit is "cool"!!
Well , enough of that shit, another day goes by. The wife is already doing the "you should be on a sodium free diet", my buddies at the Pub are into the "what, you quit workin' and hanging on the beach with the sexy young chicks?", and my forme5r employer has his minions calling to ask, "hoe are you doing, and by the way what can you tell me about the "X" Association?"
Now the key question for you, my faithful readers, a poll, I give ashit, or not?
Drop a line and let me know.
" And that means,...."
" a couple more weeks and you'll be back to normal."
" ...and in the mean time?"
" Well, let me say it's going to get worse before it gets better."
" you're going to give me prescription for it,...right?"
"Well,'s sort of like a real "re-hab" thing, prescription. you're just
going to tough it out,...for a couple week."
"Say what?"
"Sorry, nothing I can do!"
And that's where we are.My face looking like a "medium pepperoni with cheese, heavy on the sauce"! Shit,...this sucks!
Anyway I'm back at you with the verdict. Friends and "worker buddies" think I've been just laying on the beach, soaking up the rays as a sign of my "contempt" from being fired, my new employers think I'm relaticely "cavelier", and I hurt like the old "I'm glad I'm not a wopman and think this chemical peel shit is "cool"!!
Well , enough of that shit, another day goes by. The wife is already doing the "you should be on a sodium free diet", my buddies at the Pub are into the "what, you quit workin' and hanging on the beach with the sexy young chicks?", and my forme5r employer has his minions calling to ask, "hoe are you doing, and by the way what can you tell me about the "X" Association?"
Now the key question for you, my faithful readers, a poll, I give ashit, or not?
Drop a line and let me know.
Drug interactions, pizza, and looking through "slits"
Ok, really scary title, but here goes. let me hook it all together for you.
About two or three years ago I went for my annual physical, everything was ok, but you know the Doc has the usual, "Well, everything looks good but I'd like to run a couple tests to establish some baselines on you." (Translation from Dr. speak; "How am I going to make any money if you're fine? Let's see if we can find anything like a wart on you appendix, a Jerry Garcia tie collage in your colen, or maybe a Timex in your stomach that we can call a "murmur",...shall we?")
Well I too can play that game, ("Yeah sure Doc,...and by the way my psoriasis is kickin' up a bit on my face, got a few creams or lotions you can write that will cover it?" Yeah sure, let me write you a perscription.") So he writes a script, I agree to get some "cardiac baseline crap done, and we both leave happier, me with some stuff for my scaly skin, him with several hundred more in fee recovery from the Insurance carrier. A "win-win" for everyone!
Long story short he runs my ass on a treadmill, has this big burly guy standing beside me to catch me when I collapse, a nurse for another $50 for a couple of hours billing, and a Cardiologist whose entire vocabulary consists of "Hello, I'm Doctor (mumble,mumble, mumble." and dozens of assorted inflection and duration, "Hmmm"'s. Me I go to the drug store and get my cream. The stuff works like a dream and poof, 24 hourslater I'm back to my full non-scaly Ricardo Montleban/Harrison Ford image.
So last year I go back again, hit him for a re-fill script, agree to the dreaded "colonoscopy" (don't even ask, but if threatened with "doin' time my one call is to Jack Kevorkian!)
Onward we go. About two or three months ago, after a couple of years of using this "foam" called Olux, the psoriasis began to come back faster, and more agressively than ever before, pretty soon I was using it every day, all over my face. I went to the local GP(general practitioner) who gave me this shampoo and told me use it on my face and that I had a form of seborrea. Well two days later my face is beet red, it feels like someone peeled all the skin off without any anesthetic, and shaving was like torture! (You will tell us everything or we will pull another fingernail out of your writing hand,...Infidel!") So I called the real dermatologist,...time to get a pro involved. "Certainly sir, we can see you in ,..oh,...about three months from tomorrow,...ok?" (So much for a medical practice of "non-fatal" things like acne, "zits', rashes, and warts, I smell a cushy nine to five, Monday thru Friday gig here? Oh well, Mom always said I should have been a Doctor!)
So here we are a couple weeks ago and I go to this guy. By now I'm runing real low on my "wonder drug" Olux, and every day it's like Jack Nicholson time when I look in the mirror, "I'mmmmmm back!". So after a few basic questions, looking at my face like it was a rare work of art by DaVinci with these glasses with the little jeweler thingies glued to the lenses, and never even laying a finger on me, he turns, begins typing into a laptop computer furiously, and "zones out" for a while. Then he turns to me and says, "I'd like to take a biopsy." (Aside from the "turn your head and cough" or the "turn around and bend over" that's the other little phrase I don't want to hear. My stupid little brain substitutes a "d" for a "b", no way I want a "di-opsy", emphasis on the first syllable. But what choice do I have?
"Are you taking any steroids", he asks. "Not me, only my little "wonder drug" Olux here." , again he looks up from the laptop, "For how long now?" says he. "Oh,...let me see, I guess about two years now."says I.
"Well that explains it, Olux is a steroid. You appear to be having a severe steroid abuse reaction"
"So what does that mean?"
"Well the good news is I can cure it, ...but I still want to do a biopsy just to be sure."
(ATTENTION FOLKS - that's the little Cherry on the Ice Cream Sunday extra "perk" billing bump, also known as the "we need to run a couple of tests" OR "Let's see if I can bump this fifteen minutes up to the '$5,000 an hour' level. Doctor needs a new pair of shoes!)
So a week later he tells me I am having this "severe Steroid reaction" and the are some "fungal issues" as well, he prescribes some stuff, I go to the pharmacy he's called it in to, and pick it up. It's one toothpaste size tube of another one of those 24 letter names on it, with instructions to apply liberally twice a day for "fungal" growth eradication"!
Now I'm a week into this shit,(I even read all the fine print with a magnifying glass on the little piece of papyrus that comes stuffed in the box. "Good for jock itch, athlete s foot, and" a bunch of other stuff I don't think I really need to know about in latin.
Sounds like I wiped my face with my underwear and then dryed it with my socks!! EEEEOOOWWW!
Opening my eyes in the morning now requires physically reaching up and doing it, peering through the "slits" that they open too, and now the whole damn face looks like a salt shaker was used to season it, what with the little white dots of hundreds of dead skin cells. (Normally I guess you'd call it "peeling", except it's like thousands of individual cells dying off.)
It looks like a "chemical peel" undr that, and I'm getting extremely tired of the "Boy see you've been out in the sun, you really ought to use a sun blocker" remarks. (I don't do Sun,..period!)
So I've called the old dermatologist and am waiting for him to call and tell me what to expect. Should I go out and buy some duct tape incase the whole damn nose drops off, or maybe to hold the ears on, or better yet a "goalies" mask. Imagine walking into the Pub sitting down with a mask on on a Friday evening in the Southern United States. DAMN almost every redneck here is "packin'" shit the things I'll do to get a good pint of Guinness!
More later, back to your regular duties folks.
About two or three years ago I went for my annual physical, everything was ok, but you know the Doc has the usual, "Well, everything looks good but I'd like to run a couple tests to establish some baselines on you." (Translation from Dr. speak; "How am I going to make any money if you're fine? Let's see if we can find anything like a wart on you appendix, a Jerry Garcia tie collage in your colen, or maybe a Timex in your stomach that we can call a "murmur",...shall we?")
Well I too can play that game, ("Yeah sure Doc,...and by the way my psoriasis is kickin' up a bit on my face, got a few creams or lotions you can write that will cover it?" Yeah sure, let me write you a perscription.") So he writes a script, I agree to get some "cardiac baseline crap done, and we both leave happier, me with some stuff for my scaly skin, him with several hundred more in fee recovery from the Insurance carrier. A "win-win" for everyone!
Long story short he runs my ass on a treadmill, has this big burly guy standing beside me to catch me when I collapse, a nurse for another $50 for a couple of hours billing, and a Cardiologist whose entire vocabulary consists of "Hello, I'm Doctor (mumble,mumble, mumble." and dozens of assorted inflection and duration, "Hmmm"'s. Me I go to the drug store and get my cream. The stuff works like a dream and poof, 24 hourslater I'm back to my full non-scaly Ricardo Montleban/Harrison Ford image.
So last year I go back again, hit him for a re-fill script, agree to the dreaded "colonoscopy" (don't even ask, but if threatened with "doin' time my one call is to Jack Kevorkian!)
Onward we go. About two or three months ago, after a couple of years of using this "foam" called Olux, the psoriasis began to come back faster, and more agressively than ever before, pretty soon I was using it every day, all over my face. I went to the local GP(general practitioner) who gave me this shampoo and told me use it on my face and that I had a form of seborrea. Well two days later my face is beet red, it feels like someone peeled all the skin off without any anesthetic, and shaving was like torture! (You will tell us everything or we will pull another fingernail out of your writing hand,...Infidel!") So I called the real dermatologist,...time to get a pro involved. "Certainly sir, we can see you in ,..oh,...about three months from tomorrow,...ok?" (So much for a medical practice of "non-fatal" things like acne, "zits', rashes, and warts, I smell a cushy nine to five, Monday thru Friday gig here? Oh well, Mom always said I should have been a Doctor!)
So here we are a couple weeks ago and I go to this guy. By now I'm runing real low on my "wonder drug" Olux, and every day it's like Jack Nicholson time when I look in the mirror, "I'mmmmmm back!". So after a few basic questions, looking at my face like it was a rare work of art by DaVinci with these glasses with the little jeweler thingies glued to the lenses, and never even laying a finger on me, he turns, begins typing into a laptop computer furiously, and "zones out" for a while. Then he turns to me and says, "I'd like to take a biopsy." (Aside from the "turn your head and cough" or the "turn around and bend over" that's the other little phrase I don't want to hear. My stupid little brain substitutes a "d" for a "b", no way I want a "di-opsy", emphasis on the first syllable. But what choice do I have?
"Are you taking any steroids", he asks. "Not me, only my little "wonder drug" Olux here." , again he looks up from the laptop, "For how long now?" says he. "Oh,...let me see, I guess about two years now."says I.
"Well that explains it, Olux is a steroid. You appear to be having a severe steroid abuse reaction"
"So what does that mean?"
"Well the good news is I can cure it, ...but I still want to do a biopsy just to be sure."
(ATTENTION FOLKS - that's the little Cherry on the Ice Cream Sunday extra "perk" billing bump, also known as the "we need to run a couple of tests" OR "Let's see if I can bump this fifteen minutes up to the '$5,000 an hour' level. Doctor needs a new pair of shoes!)
So a week later he tells me I am having this "severe Steroid reaction" and the are some "fungal issues" as well, he prescribes some stuff, I go to the pharmacy he's called it in to, and pick it up. It's one toothpaste size tube of another one of those 24 letter names on it, with instructions to apply liberally twice a day for "fungal" growth eradication"!
Now I'm a week into this shit,(I even read all the fine print with a magnifying glass on the little piece of papyrus that comes stuffed in the box. "Good for jock itch, athlete s foot, and" a bunch of other stuff I don't think I really need to know about in latin.
Sounds like I wiped my face with my underwear and then dryed it with my socks!! EEEEOOOWWW!
Opening my eyes in the morning now requires physically reaching up and doing it, peering through the "slits" that they open too, and now the whole damn face looks like a salt shaker was used to season it, what with the little white dots of hundreds of dead skin cells. (Normally I guess you'd call it "peeling", except it's like thousands of individual cells dying off.)
It looks like a "chemical peel" undr that, and I'm getting extremely tired of the "Boy see you've been out in the sun, you really ought to use a sun blocker" remarks. (I don't do Sun,..period!)
So I've called the old dermatologist and am waiting for him to call and tell me what to expect. Should I go out and buy some duct tape incase the whole damn nose drops off, or maybe to hold the ears on, or better yet a "goalies" mask. Imagine walking into the Pub sitting down with a mask on on a Friday evening in the Southern United States. DAMN almost every redneck here is "packin'" shit the things I'll do to get a good pint of Guinness!
More later, back to your regular duties folks.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Stardate 2768.6,...
Boy there are real "nuts" all around the place! For example last evening I was having a cool Guinness at my Pub and it was realatively slow. This guy two stools down from me is conversing with this "old dude" (I'm only 35, the body is wasted,...not the mind!") Anyway the "old dude" leaves and there is me and him. I try being polite and ventured a question like, "I happened to overhear you say you were involved with comuter networking." From there it was like a really, really scary Stephen King book. Next thing I know this dude (about thirty-something, goatee type beard, heavy metal black tee shirt, glasses thick enough to be Coke Bottle bottoms) is ranting and raving (literally!) about numbers and thier meaning, and talking in like ,.."17 is odorous, and with 16 it equals pussy, but the 99 of life is not the sequence, but the derivitive of the means, it?" Like right dude, I'm there, (Excuse me bartender, do we have one of those elegant long sleeve jackets where the sleeves can sort of wrap around you and be tied, the back room?)
But thank God for "blue tooth", savior of the universe!!! You hold up one finger, point to your bluetooth earpiece, smile politely and say, "Excuse me, Incoming, and I have to take this one." You then fake a phone call. i.e. "Damn it John I told you we could discuss this in the morning,(three second pause),...ok but let's at least be civilized about it, now what part of the proposal do you think, "sucks",...because I spend three days making it perfect and according to your specifications, what part "sucks"..." (Make a few faces, look exasperated, roll your eyes at least twice,listen intently for about twenty seconds, then look like your wife (or girlfriend0 has just been raped by Freddie Kreuger, live on national TV, puff up your chest a bit, (turn to the offending "whacko", do the universal sign for crazy, "swirling finger around the ear",and quietly say, "I gotta take this outside,...excuse me." Get up and walk toward the door, uttering a few "now wait a minute, lay that one on me again!" and perhaps a " can't possibly even think that is even close to reality!), all the while keeping a finger on your bluetooth earpiece to let everyone know you are talking to an idiot, and you must handle it, and that universally to all of them, you apologize profusely for it interrupting thier evening.
Just like the Red Sea, they will part, let you get out, and shake thier heads in that "that poor bastard" look.
Once outside, sit down, relax, and tell one of the folks coming in, "You know I've been coming here a long time, but that guy at the end of the bar with the black heavy metal tee shirt,...God he's brilliant, say hello and just enjoy his polite, yet humorous response,...God I love this place!! You meet more celebrities than any other place on the seacoast! Ooops! Don't tell him I told you about him,...he loves his privacy, know?"
Just another lovly day in Paradise!!
But thank God for "blue tooth", savior of the universe!!! You hold up one finger, point to your bluetooth earpiece, smile politely and say, "Excuse me, Incoming, and I have to take this one." You then fake a phone call. i.e. "Damn it John I told you we could discuss this in the morning,(three second pause),...ok but let's at least be civilized about it, now what part of the proposal do you think, "sucks",...because I spend three days making it perfect and according to your specifications, what part "sucks"..." (Make a few faces, look exasperated, roll your eyes at least twice,listen intently for about twenty seconds, then look like your wife (or girlfriend0 has just been raped by Freddie Kreuger, live on national TV, puff up your chest a bit, (turn to the offending "whacko", do the universal sign for crazy, "swirling finger around the ear",and quietly say, "I gotta take this outside,...excuse me." Get up and walk toward the door, uttering a few "now wait a minute, lay that one on me again!" and perhaps a " can't possibly even think that is even close to reality!), all the while keeping a finger on your bluetooth earpiece to let everyone know you are talking to an idiot, and you must handle it, and that universally to all of them, you apologize profusely for it interrupting thier evening.
Just like the Red Sea, they will part, let you get out, and shake thier heads in that "that poor bastard" look.
Once outside, sit down, relax, and tell one of the folks coming in, "You know I've been coming here a long time, but that guy at the end of the bar with the black heavy metal tee shirt,...God he's brilliant, say hello and just enjoy his polite, yet humorous response,...God I love this place!! You meet more celebrities than any other place on the seacoast! Ooops! Don't tell him I told you about him,...he loves his privacy, know?"
Just another lovly day in Paradise!!
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
"...and now the rest of the story!"
Ok no suspense here. At 3:56pm yesterday I became officially an "un-employment statistic". The firm agree to pay me for three more weeks, I agreed to finish out this week and transition my accounts to others, and other than that I guess my decsion to clean out all of my "stuff" last Saturday was a sound one. (Anyone know how to get HUGE Bus tiretread marks out of a shirt?)
Is this the end? Far from it. I suspect you'll have a lot to read in the next few weeks. Number one, I have no intention of changing careers. Number two, I have no intention of honoring a "non-compete" agreement since the action was unilaterally thiers, and weighing what I was "resigned" for, versus what I know and can prove,...well I guess the best term is "bring it one Mother".
First order of business today is acquire an exteranl 120 gig hard drive and "dump" my laptop computer files down to it for "future referance" (i.e. e-mails, spreadsheets, evidence of a form of "cookin' the books", etc., then wipe the Hard drive on the laptop clean. Ordered the hard drive on-line last night but any one know a "drop dead" great "scrubbing" program, and does the old "fdisk" still wipe out a drive as well if all else fails? My e-mails, my clients, my evidence!
Good thing I have been chatting with this guy about starting a new buiness in the same field, we had already planned to meet last night for me to provide him a final "laundry list" of things we need, his money is already in place, and he didn't flinch when I told him I start needing a weekly check in about three weeks. But I've things to do today and putting down a lot on paper. I didn't work my butt off for the past two years picking up credentials and "kudo" letters for nothing.
(sigh) I guess you know instinctively who the snales are, and where the land mines are, although I need to improve my timeling a little more, could have used about another three months before I made the move to "self-employment" again.
Good news is I've already paid for a six day vacation in Disney World in Orlando, Florida including all meals, tickets and everything else for September 11th to the 17th, I reckon I'll be planning and planting between now and then, take my "vacation and clear my head, and then "kick it up a notch" on the 18th and hit the road rested and running.
Is this the end? Far from it. I suspect you'll have a lot to read in the next few weeks. Number one, I have no intention of changing careers. Number two, I have no intention of honoring a "non-compete" agreement since the action was unilaterally thiers, and weighing what I was "resigned" for, versus what I know and can prove,...well I guess the best term is "bring it one Mother".
First order of business today is acquire an exteranl 120 gig hard drive and "dump" my laptop computer files down to it for "future referance" (i.e. e-mails, spreadsheets, evidence of a form of "cookin' the books", etc., then wipe the Hard drive on the laptop clean. Ordered the hard drive on-line last night but any one know a "drop dead" great "scrubbing" program, and does the old "fdisk" still wipe out a drive as well if all else fails? My e-mails, my clients, my evidence!
Good thing I have been chatting with this guy about starting a new buiness in the same field, we had already planned to meet last night for me to provide him a final "laundry list" of things we need, his money is already in place, and he didn't flinch when I told him I start needing a weekly check in about three weeks. But I've things to do today and putting down a lot on paper. I didn't work my butt off for the past two years picking up credentials and "kudo" letters for nothing.
(sigh) I guess you know instinctively who the snales are, and where the land mines are, although I need to improve my timeling a little more, could have used about another three months before I made the move to "self-employment" again.
Good news is I've already paid for a six day vacation in Disney World in Orlando, Florida including all meals, tickets and everything else for September 11th to the 17th, I reckon I'll be planning and planting between now and then, take my "vacation and clear my head, and then "kick it up a notch" on the 18th and hit the road rested and running.
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Wanted: Hungry Attorney with balls!
NEVER thought I'd go looking for an Attorney, but then again I'm the one that trusts fellow human beings (despite being told by friends, for years, that is a STUPID thing to do!)
But let me ask you, my readers, IF we all purport to be "Godly" people, i.e. living by a code of morality and fairplay for all, then how could one deviate from that? Well, first there is greed, "I want it all", "I'll be damned if I'm going to lose what I got!", and my personal favorite justification for a full fledged "Big Asshole" attack, "That's not my problem, throw someone under the bus,'ll go away."
I can live with the "pure greed", or the pure "it's all about ME", but the "not my problem, throw someone under the bus",....well that's not tolerable at all. I've made mistakes in my life, I've "screwed up" on regular occasions, and I am far from being declared a "Saint". But I'd never deliberately set about to destroy someone over strictly personal fear of losing an "account" which the firm deliberately screwed up a couple of years before I even joined it!
So as they say it all starts with "a little lie" (Lie #1 -My boss tells me the Board of Directors of one of my accounts wants a new manager. Within 24 hours I get peronal calls from a majority of the Board members asking me what the hell is going on, they don't want me to be removed, and upon sworn bibles told me there was never any discussion of this,...ever. The problem was not created by me, therefor I have no need of going "under the bus". In fact they are delighted I did the right thing and brought it to thier attention.)
Then the next little lie becomes easier, (Lie #2 - We've just about wrapped up a new big account that would be perfect for you and it would take a lot of the stress of the ten or twele little accounts you have". Truth be told they are simply bidding on it at this point, and it is not a "good" account in that it's members are not paying thier dues anywhere near on time and it will be a real adversarial situation to manage,...IF they get it.)
Then the next lie, well not really a lie, but a "cover your ass big time" move ( "We are going to give half your accounts to the new person, so you'll have time to transition them over the next couple of weeks." Gee why is it all the "high end" accounts being transitioned away from me, yet I get to keep the "little guys"?)
This is a rather OBVIOUS set of things is it not? You pull the high revenue accounts away from me immediately, keep me busy with the little guys whom you could really care less about, leave me only enough time to "transition" or train the new person, and coincidentally in a few weeks tell me the "big one" got away and there isn't enough revenue coming in , what with just my "little accounts" so (Lie #3 coming up here) "While we really hate to do this We will have to let you go, week."
So how do we head it off? Here are the options;
1. Call them out and confront them that they lied to my face, therefore there will be no changes, and I won't train anyone to replace, oops sorry "transition"
2. Present them with a contract for my services for the next three years and ask for the signature or good bye today. Throw them to the wolves with all my clients at the same time with no time to react.
3. Hire an attorney and begin a class action suite on behalf of the clients they have been screwing up thier books for over the past ten years, and a personal "whistle blowers" suite on my behalf
4. Open my own firm, hire an Attorney to make shreds of the Non-compete contract they force you to sign before hiring you (Incidentally the ONLY firm of this type within a few hundred miles that does that.) AND then make a concerted effort to attack and acquire thier accounts to my own firm based on integrity and working "with" a client, and not spending every waking hour making sure we cover our ass!
So who knows a good attorney who loves to stick up for truth, justice and the REAL American way?
More in the next few blogs as this sorts it's way out, and No I'm not paranoid, I'm a quick study on greedy self centered people particularly the ones who run around 24/7 telling eveyone what a "Christian Company" they run. That makes me very, very sick,....(the owner of the company went up to the former chief Administrative person, who is a devout Jew, put his arm around her shoulder and made the statement, "Boy isn't it wonderful how our good Christian company all pulls together?" (Yup this boy's a real "cracker, redneck, greedy "human being")
But let me ask you, my readers, IF we all purport to be "Godly" people, i.e. living by a code of morality and fairplay for all, then how could one deviate from that? Well, first there is greed, "I want it all", "I'll be damned if I'm going to lose what I got!", and my personal favorite justification for a full fledged "Big Asshole" attack, "That's not my problem, throw someone under the bus,'ll go away."
I can live with the "pure greed", or the pure "it's all about ME", but the "not my problem, throw someone under the bus",....well that's not tolerable at all. I've made mistakes in my life, I've "screwed up" on regular occasions, and I am far from being declared a "Saint". But I'd never deliberately set about to destroy someone over strictly personal fear of losing an "account" which the firm deliberately screwed up a couple of years before I even joined it!
So as they say it all starts with "a little lie" (Lie #1 -My boss tells me the Board of Directors of one of my accounts wants a new manager. Within 24 hours I get peronal calls from a majority of the Board members asking me what the hell is going on, they don't want me to be removed, and upon sworn bibles told me there was never any discussion of this,...ever. The problem was not created by me, therefor I have no need of going "under the bus". In fact they are delighted I did the right thing and brought it to thier attention.)
Then the next little lie becomes easier, (Lie #2 - We've just about wrapped up a new big account that would be perfect for you and it would take a lot of the stress of the ten or twele little accounts you have". Truth be told they are simply bidding on it at this point, and it is not a "good" account in that it's members are not paying thier dues anywhere near on time and it will be a real adversarial situation to manage,...IF they get it.)
Then the next lie, well not really a lie, but a "cover your ass big time" move ( "We are going to give half your accounts to the new person, so you'll have time to transition them over the next couple of weeks." Gee why is it all the "high end" accounts being transitioned away from me, yet I get to keep the "little guys"?)
This is a rather OBVIOUS set of things is it not? You pull the high revenue accounts away from me immediately, keep me busy with the little guys whom you could really care less about, leave me only enough time to "transition" or train the new person, and coincidentally in a few weeks tell me the "big one" got away and there isn't enough revenue coming in , what with just my "little accounts" so (Lie #3 coming up here) "While we really hate to do this We will have to let you go, week."
So how do we head it off? Here are the options;
1. Call them out and confront them that they lied to my face, therefore there will be no changes, and I won't train anyone to replace, oops sorry "transition"
2. Present them with a contract for my services for the next three years and ask for the signature or good bye today. Throw them to the wolves with all my clients at the same time with no time to react.
3. Hire an attorney and begin a class action suite on behalf of the clients they have been screwing up thier books for over the past ten years, and a personal "whistle blowers" suite on my behalf
4. Open my own firm, hire an Attorney to make shreds of the Non-compete contract they force you to sign before hiring you (Incidentally the ONLY firm of this type within a few hundred miles that does that.) AND then make a concerted effort to attack and acquire thier accounts to my own firm based on integrity and working "with" a client, and not spending every waking hour making sure we cover our ass!
So who knows a good attorney who loves to stick up for truth, justice and the REAL American way?
More in the next few blogs as this sorts it's way out, and No I'm not paranoid, I'm a quick study on greedy self centered people particularly the ones who run around 24/7 telling eveyone what a "Christian Company" they run. That makes me very, very sick,....(the owner of the company went up to the former chief Administrative person, who is a devout Jew, put his arm around her shoulder and made the statement, "Boy isn't it wonderful how our good Christian company all pulls together?" (Yup this boy's a real "cracker, redneck, greedy "human being")
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